To provide social and material assistance to refugees and Tajikistan’s most vulnerable citizens
Сonsultation: (+992) 918 61 90 30

Our impact

Thanks to the project the refugee children were contributed with the Youth Centre where the additional activities according to the objectives and tasks were provided
Within the reporting period since 17th August 2011 till 31st August 2012 around 300 children both 60% of refugee and 40% of Tajik attended the Youth Centre through different kind of activities
  • Computer classes attended 120 children; 50 and 50%;
  • Volunteers provided catch up classes with the legged behind younger children
  • Sport activities, like football, basketball, volleyball, taekwondo, chess
  • Creative works, drawings, knitting, sewing
  • 50 children studied DARI language taught by teacher from Refugee Community
  • HIV/AIDS, Tolerance education were provided
  • The children of the Youth Centre attended with concert programs in National Independent Day, WRD, International Day of Children, 60 refugee children with parents attended this event in stadium Frunze and six refugee children participated sport competition
  • 8. UNHCR/RCVC organized computer centers in Vahdat and it was decided to loin Youth Center and more five computers were donated. The Youth Centre was removed to the next bigger room
  • It should be said that The Youth Centre was integrated into the Tajik community and will continue its work

want to help?

Your financial support is very important for our projects to support refugees, poor families and orphans